What is a Trope?

Genres and Tropes Series

T.J. Robinson
Published in
5 min readJul 24, 2021


Welcome to the Genre’s & Tropes Series! Today we’re going to be talking about Tropes. We’ll see some definitions and commonly used writing tropes.

Definition of a trope

According to Merriam Webster, a trope is:

1a: a word or expression used in a figurative sense.

b: a common or overused theme or device, such as a cliché.

Character tropes are not inherently good or bad, but as a writer there’s a balance between using tropes effectively and leaning to heavily on them to the point that you’re no longer telling an original story. In some fiction, like epics, satires, and more plot-driven forms of fiction, the use of trope-driven characters can be expected and desirable. Care should be given to prevent archetypal characters from bleeding into stereotypes. In order to avoid this, you’ll need to develop a richer perception of your characters.

The best way to learn to use tropes artfully is to develop a deeper understanding of your genre, whether it’s sci-fi, thriller, fantasy, or romance. If you study the conventions of that genre, you’ll be better equipped to use its tropes to surprise and delight your readers.

9 Common tropes

Every genre has its own collection of common character types, and as a storyteller you need to be aware of them. Below are nine of the most common tropes, but in our next article, we’ll begin breaking down genré specific tropes.

  1. The chosen one: A common fantasy trope, the chosen one’s identity revolves around a task that’s been set aside for them, which they usually pursue without much hesitation or complication. Like Frodo Baggins, Luke Skywalker, and Harry Potter, the chosen one is often, conveniently, an orphan.
  2. The femme fatale: In many ways, the femme fatale is an updated version of supernatural witches or sorceresses. She’s a mysterious, seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to seduce her enemies, the femme fatale is a popular character trope in mysteries. This one almost always leads men to destruction.
  3. The damsel in distress: One of the most common types of female character tropes, the damsel in distress, is usually a passive figure who exists primarily as an object for the hero to save. Even versions of the character who turn out to be a little more plucky than expected (think Princess Fiona from Shrek or Princess Leia from Star Wars) have become their own subset of this trope.
  4. The girl next door: Opposite of the femme fatale, is the small-town girl with a heart of gold. A common film and TV trope, the girl next door is innocent, kind, and wholesome. She’s the embodiment of domestic femininity and typically a candidate for the male protagonist’s love interest.
  5. The mad scientist: The mad scientist is usually a villain, driven by an eccentric, antisocial personality and unrestrained arrogance or desire to play god. The opposite of the mad scientist is the nerdy “absent-minded professor”, so engrossed by their work that they struggle to relate to “normal” people.
  6. The trusty sidekick: The trusty sidekick usually has no life outside of their relationship to the main character. Whether the sidekick is a loyal companion, like Samwise in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, a faithful butler, or a chatty best friend (as seen in many romance novels). Their main quality is that they have no story of their own.
  7. The wise old man: Sometimes this is just an old guy who’s seen too much of the world, or sometimes he’s an actual wizard. The wise old man is a long-enduring figure who usually imparts some special wisdom to the protagonist.
  8. The dumb muscle: The dumb muscle is an exceedingly common minor character, based on the idea that it’s impossible to be smart and fit at the same time. This one is especially common in action and adventure stories. As a bad guy, the dumb muscle is easily outsmarted or bested by the main character.
  9. The antihero: Antiheroes are usually darkly appealing bad boys, cynical loners with major personality flaws. Like normal heroes, the antihero drives the story, but often to an amoral place. Think of Tony Soprano, or the grittier version of Batman or Deadpool. These are all prime examples of modern antiheroes. In today’s entertainment, antiheroes are almost as common as idealized heroes.

5 Tips for using tropes to develop better characters

  • Look for opportunities to improve and enhance tropes. If you find yourself drawn to certain tropes, look for ways to develop or elaborate on them. This style may not be right for every story, but it can be especially compelling in genres that traditionally rely on tropes: Like fantasy novels, horror movies, love stories, westerns, and other popular genres.
  • Figure out what your characters really want. Sometimes writers lean on stereotypes too heavily because they haven’t gained a enough understanding of their characters. When using a trope, spend some time figuring out what motivates your characters. What drives them? A need to belong? A thirst for knowledge? A desire to be recognized? Using super-objectives can lead your characters to shed their outward roles in interesting ways.
  • Who are your characters outside of the story? An excellent writing exercise is to develop backstories for your major characters. Imagine them in real life by asking some questions like these:
  1. What were they like in high school?
  2. What does their bathroom, bedroom, or refrigerator look like?
  3. How do they get along with their families or friends?

While these questions may seem unimportant, they can help you get a sense of the individual, rather than simply thinking of your character as adhering to a certain trope.

  • Allow for change in your characters’ personalities. There are some stories where characters remain static, but in general, it’s important for readers to feel like your character has the potential to change over the course of your story. The change doesn’t always have to be positive, but there should be a sense that the experience they’ve had has marked them in some way (positive or negative).
  • Avoid clichés for sake of clichés. Sometimes the issue is with the scenario you’ve created, not your characters specifically. If you create a pair of star-crossed lovers who are meant to fall for each other at first sight, it’ll be hard not to make the situation feel unoriginal. If you’re only thinking in terms of common plot tropes, it may be hard to get your characters out of them. This is where world building might help you find more interesting intersections to explore.

Want to learn more about writing?

Check out these articles for more writing tips:

What is a Cozy Mystery?



T.J. Robinson

Writer, wife, mama. Life is about the ride, and how you ride it. Perfect doesn’t exist, but you can be perfectly happy with yourself.